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Donate to the Bo-Dyn Project


We accept checks or money orders. If you would like to donate please send your tax deductible donations to:


Bo-Dyn Bobsled Project, Inc.
71 Williams Road

Colchester, CT 06415


The Bo-Dyn Bobsled Project, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation
and is classified as a public charity under the IRS Codes.

Our EIN is 16-1736373. 


The mission statement of the Bo-Dyn Bobsled Project, Inc. is:

"To sponsor and promote design, technology, engineering and manufacturing of products made in the USA through the construction of bobsleds to be used in international competition. To provide a forum of public education through the leverage of sponsorship and promotion to increase awareness of bobsledding both nationally and internationally."

Geoffrey Bodine had a vision of providing American athletes with the very best "Made In The USA" equipment to compete in the international arena and win. Following this vision and working closely with Geoffrey over the years has created a passion within all of us to make this program work. With the financial support of some great companies and contributions from people like you we are able to provide the funding for the design, testing and manufacturing of the Bo-Dyn Bobsleds, simply the best in the world!

Please consider purchasing some apparel in addition to your donation. All of the profits from our "Made In The USA" apparel go directly to supporting the construction of our bobsleds.

Thank you once again for your interest and your support. We can not do this without you.

Sincerely yours,

John Vester
President, Bo-Dyn Bobsled Project

For information:
John F. Morgan
Executive Director

Box 165
101 Trillum Dr.
Lake Placid, NY 12946
518 524 3269 

Please send donations to:
Bo-Dyn Bobsled
Project, Inc.
Box 165

101 Trillum Dr.

Lake Placid, NY 12946

518 524 3269

Press Information please contact:
Sandy Caligiore
P.O. Box 1390
Lake Placid, NY 12946

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